My Sojourn with Health

Monday, July 4, 2016

Two Month Follow Up

HI, everyone and Happy Fourth Of July! I hope that you are all Celebrating all the great things you have in your life including your Independence.
So I wanted to let everyone know where I am at and what has been happening. So it has been just over 2 months since I had the surgery and so far everything has been going great. I made it through the liquid part just fine, no issues. Then did the "puree" stage, which took a little getting use to, mostly because there are not that many foods that are pureed or that you can imagine being pureed, so that stage took a lot more effort to commit to and to be creative with. Those of you who know me well know that when it comes to creativity and food I have ZERO skills! That being said I of course figured it out with a little help from my friends! I stuck to mostly soups and chili pureed, Thank goodness for a variety of soup and friends who brought me some!
SO my current food stage and the longest one until no limitations, I am in the soft food stage. So this is much easier because basically if it is soft I can eat it. So no raw veggies, no crunchy/sharp foods, which are usually not great for you anyway, you know those carbs...... Chips, crackers, pretzels etc....
SO I am settling in comfortably with the soft foods. I have eaten out a couple times and it was fine. It actually was nice because I am taking in so little I can just eat off my friends plates! hehehehe
So I have been learning to adjust to my new stomach, and while I have not had any of the issues many other have I am trying to figure out the sweet spot with portion size. I have done pretty good but am learning that some foods are more dense than others so they fill me up faster and some foods sustain me longer than others, so it is really about me learning / educating myself by listening to my body. It is interesting to me that 99% of the time it comes back to listening to our bodies. So I am listening, figuring out I need to slow down my eating and drinking. I have been full a couple times and it happens fast so I am working on slowing down. I have never once been hungry , but as we all know that doesn't mean cravings and urges go away because they are almost always emotional. So I also continue to pay attention to cravings and asking what am I trying to avoid? What am I stressed about?  Or why am I needing nurturing or comfort ?
All the things we use food for that really isn't it's job!
So all in all things with the surgery and my process has been great, my 2 month appointment I did weigh in and well..... I am a unicorn! Drum Roll please.........................

YUP , I am down 46 Pounds. I am sure it is going to slow down but what a great start! I can not wait until I can actually start exercising.
Speaking of exercise, as I have mentioned in previous entries I have not been able to exercise due to my Hip pain. I am pursuing information on when I will be able to get the hip replaced, as it is just getting worse, so my hope is I can get it done soon. So I would like to request that whatever it is you do when you are requesting the assistance of your higher power, prayer, meditation, mantra, request to universe, sing, dance use your jazz hands! Whatever you do Please send me your positive thoughts , and prayers and energy, as I am really needing to get this hip replaced as soon as possible, it is quickly becoming unbearable. So Thank You for your support and positive thoughts, I appreciate them all!
I will let you know how things are going..... If you have any questions feel free to ask and please leave a comment just simply letting me know you were here. Thanks Again!

With Love and Appreciation , Kathryn

1 comment:

  1. so glad to hear that you are doing well on your journey. God bless you. Love ya.


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