My Sojourn with Health

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Let's Do this....

My heart is filled with excitement and relief!
My eyes filled with tears of Joy and relief!
I am grateful for Faith winning over the Frustration!
I am blessed to have such amazing support on my side.
If you haven't guessed by now or if this is your first experience with the blog let me catch you up.

Friday, July 20th I had my second appointment with the Hip Surgeon who is known for his solid cement firm boundary that he only will operate on patients with a 40 BMI or less. Those of you who know something about BMI and have been following my journey,  you know I have been stuck above that for some time now.

Let me back up a little. A few weeks ago now I had my two year bariatric follow up with my  Surgeon. (my new best friend - story to follow) At this appointment, after getting on the scale I was immediately frustrated and upset. When the Doctor came into the room and was looking at my chart he was all smiles. I did not get it. I had not lost any weight in about 6 months. I just thought to myself, well I am glad he is having a good day but I certainly am not. He looked at me and the first words out of his mouth were "Your blood work is perfect". OK, that is always good to hear so that did lift my spirits, especially since they took about 6-8 vials of blood to do every test under the sun. Anyway, it was looking up somewhat, at least I know  I am still a Medical Unicorn but why can't I get the scale to shift at all?

So after telling me how my blood work was perfect, he asked how I was feeling, now I knew he probably meant physically but my emotions were taking over... " I am frustrated" , he asked me why, because my blood work was perfect and my weight has been stable for six months and all this (in his mind) is great. So I explained to him my frustration and he actually listened. This Doctor listened and did not brush me off. He heard what I had to say about my frustration with the scale being stuck. I explained the source of my frustration was mostly because there is nothing more I can do to change what I am doing because I can not exercise due to the bum hip. He asked me who my hip surgeon was and I told him and he quickly responded with a knowing "Oh, yes... he has a very strict hard line on the BMI". I told him that is why I am frustrated. I understand I am doing well but I can not move the BMI without making some changes in my activity and I can't do that. In fact, my activity level has gotten less because the pain has gotten worse. As I was telling my story to him I could tell his wheels were turning. He was hearing me but I could tell he was thinking about solutions.
So the next thing he says is that he will have the office girls send over a referral to the hip surgeon because he knows that Doctor and he is going to call him and have a conversation with him.  He went on to say while he knows he has a hard line when it comes to the BMI he also knows he CAN make an exception. WHAT??? Did I hear that right? With some disbelief, I asked him if he was really going to talk to him and he said yes he knew him and would talk to him. This is when I announced to my Bariatric Doctor that he was my new Best Friend.

You know they say life is made up of moments, in that moment I had the biggest sense of relief, and Hope for the first time in a while. Hope for relief from pain, Hope for a flexible, mobile, exercise filled future. All that being said Hope is not enough. It was great but I still had to get an appointment and meet with the hip surgeon.
Life being what it is... (a journey often testing us).... The next week I waited in anticipation of a call to schedule an appointment to see the hip surgeon. Well, a week went by so my inner voice had to start doing some justifying of why they may not have called yet, otherwise, I might slip back into that frustration or worse depression. The next week I thought, of course, I will get a call this week, Monday- Nope, Tuesday-Nope, Wednesday-Nope, Thursday-Nope, Friday-NOPE. After the second week of no call, it was much harder not to be frustrated and depressed, let alone doubtful that it was going to happen. Then I just thought to myself I believe my bariatric Doctor will do what he said AND I believe he thinks I am ready for surgery and should be considered for an exception. SO... I email the bariatric office and just asked about the referral to see if it got sent over so I knew where the delay might be.  I was trying to stay strong and take charge. The next day I got a message from the hip surgeon's Nurse and she said my Bariatric Doctor spoke to them and asked that they see me. So I called as soon as I could, and they had one appointment 3 weeks out and then it was another several weeks before they had another opening.  I told the nurse I would take whatever she had and make the adjustment I need to anything else, this is my priority.
So I got an appointment! Met with the Doctor, had a lengthy discussion about the risk and why he is so strict about the BMI. I appreciated that he took time to explain to me the thought behind all of his decisions but as he continued I could not decide if he was warming up to another letdown or just covering his bases and educating me on the risks and why. I manage to work into the conversation that I am a Medical Unicorn and have not had any issues with the two surgeries I did have, and I have not had any of the classic health issues that accompany someone as obese as I was and still am. I was trying to reassure him I really am not as big of a risk as I may seem. He paused some then he continued discussing the reasons he does what he does but then starts to say that it did not appear I was going to fall into any of those categories but he still wanted to be sure I was aware of risk with any surgery. Now it sounds like he may make an exception.
So at this point, I am freaking out inside and just want to scream Yes or NO!
Then he asked some questions, is taking some notes and then turns to me and  says with the bariatric Doctors recommendation, report on my success with the program, and he can see I have done everything I can AND.... maybe I am the Medical Unicorn I say I am (we chuckled), he is going to make an exception for me.
 HIP HIP HOORAY! (pun intended)

He then quickly followed that up with a seriously funny look at me and says, "You can not tell anyone I made an exception for you!" We chuckled but I knew he was serious and I half expected him to pull out a confidentiality form to sign.
That being said if you are reading this you are now also sworn to secrecy!
Now I  wait for a call from the scheduling nurse to get a date and then I think I will really believe it is going to happen.  I am hoping I do not end up waiting 2 weeks for a call to get on the schedule! NO, let me correct that... I will not wait 2 weeks to get on the schedule! LOL
It seems I am entering a new stage of this journey and I am excited.  I can not wait to join the gym again and get back into Aqua Classes! I can not wait to get a bike, and not worry about how far something is if I have to walk and be able to sleep without pain.
 I am really looking forward to this next chapter!