My Sojourn with Health

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Sometimes Truth is painful. Sometimes that causes me to go quiet. I started this blog to build in some accountability as well as support to my journey.  I realize when I have been quiet and gone long periods of time without writing I am robbing myself of the very support and accountability I have sought by having a blog. Like all of us I am a work in progress, and there is progress despite how it feels at times..... Like now.

I haven't written in a while because I have been Stuck! I haven't had much success or any fun stories to share. In fact the only thing I have had to share is frustration, pain, and sadness. I realized that is a part of the journey so I need to write about it as well. I have shared the struggles in the past and it has been received well, so I need to move forward and continue the sharing.

Here goes....  I have plateau with my weight loss which is totally normal and expected. Under most circumstances I would do what needs to be done , you know decrease calories, increase exercise,  switch up the exercise, in short change it up and trick my body (metabolism)  back in to higher functioning mode. This has always worked for me in the past. The difference right now and why I am so frustrated is I can't change much. What I mean is after the bariatric surgery it isn't like I can decrease my food intake, I am already struggling to get all my water and protein in! Then there is the hip. There is so little exercise I can do, so I can't really switch anything. Thankfully I have a awesome Physical Therapist who while treating my hip and shoulder helps me to figure out some exercises to do. I try to focus on things like that because otherwise I find myself feeling hopeless and well....  I am not a fan of feeling hopeless.
 I have been feeling hopeless because I am so close to being able to have surgery (within 25LBS) but remain stuck for several months. UGH! So the struggle is real! So much of my journey has been to make a choice to be positive and find the strength. I specifically use the word choice because it doesn't just happen, I have to choose it and make it happen.  That being said when the pain continues on a daily, even hourly basis the strength sometimes is hard to find. So I am going to wrap this entry up by sharing this.... The Struggle is part of the Journey. I want to be as transparent and real as possible so that includes the tough stuff, including the occasional hopelessness.
 Everything worth having includes struggle, effort and energy (lessons). I know it will get easier, and I know I will make it, I know I am not alone and I appreciate you coming and reading and letting me be real. Thanks for all the support, so many amazing people in my life.  I will continue to share, grow and move forward with the good , the bad and the ugly!  ....
Cuz that's how I Roll !