My Sojourn with Health

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hello, I know it has been a while since I have written….. This should probably tell you something! As I was looking back over the past year and thinking about this next year several thoughts came to my mind but the most important thing I want to share today is a request to all who read this…… Based on what I have (and continue to) learn about myself, I need ACCOUNTABILITY! As some of you may know this is a “Button” of mine and clearly because it is something I need. While I feel in general I am good about taking personal responsibility for my choices and actions the one thing I seem to fail at is asking for help, asking for and allowing myself to feel support is a constant struggle for me. I am working on allowing others to do for me as well as asking for that which I need, UGH! This is hard but what I have learned from my experience of giving and supporting is that those who do not allow me to support them, or those who do not accept accountability from me are not only denying me a gift of giving but also denying us both a chance at a deeper, more real relationship. When I am allowed to be supportive and encouraging as well as challenging (in the form of loving accountability) I feel honored and more importantly I feel close to the person receiving it, this is a gift to me. So what I realized is by not asking and not allowing other to do this for me I am denying them a gift as well, and I am certainly not one to deny anyone a gift! J It is just hard when that gift comes in the form of “Being there” for me….. (Clearly my issues) All that being said ………. I am putting myself out there and offering us both a chance at a gift! I need Accountability. Now this sounds a bit ominous, but it is simple. I realize after not having written the past few months that when I don’t write I am not being as conscientious of my process. This really just a nice way of saying …… when I don’t write I can’t be accountable so I can be in denial (by choice)! I do not want to do that….. I want to be able to own up to my choices, to learn from my choices AND be accountable for my choices! This is where you come in…….. I am at a point in this process where I find it becoming more and more easy to get frustrated and want to throw in the towel. Obviously this is not an option I am willingly going to choose so I am stepping out of my comfort zone and heralding for assistance. PLEASE ask me when my next blog entry will be coming if you do not see one every few weeks, Please ask me how it is going if you hear nothing about my journey from me or my blog, Please ask questions about things you want to hear about, Please ask questions about my progress, process, thoughts, ideas, ANYTHING. Also Please feel free to suggest topics …. Please share your insights, observations, wisdom. Please share your personal struggles, concerns or issues with the topic of health and well being. (This is not just about weight!) So that is it for today…. ACCOUNTABILITY! I need it, I am asking for it! (What the H*ll am I thinking????) LOL Thanks in advance for all your support! Kathryn P.S. Disclaimer; PLEASE DO NOT confuse this plea for accountability as not feeling supported. I deeply appreciate and do feel the support! This is specifically in relation to my writing about the process. I have felt support all along but realize for me I am more accountable if I am writing, maybe something about having it down in words works for me? I do know being able to go back and see what I have struggled with, conquered and where I have come from helps me to keep things in perspective which as many of you know I do believe perspective is everything! Thanks again