My Sojourn with Health

Saturday, May 28, 2016


So I am 26 days "Post-Op" and all is well. I am happy to report everything went well, no problems, no issues, no surprises. I was up and walking laps around the nurses station a couple hours after getting to my room. The nursing staff were great, very supportive and encouraging the whole time. So the first 10 days post-op was liquid diet just like the 10 days prior to surgery. The total 20 of liquid diet was not nearly as bad as it sounds or you might imagine. I will say I think I have a slight advantage in that I have done a similar diet before and so I really knew what to expect and how to do it.
I am now at the Puree' stage of the process which I have to be honest, much harder for me. I almost would prefer to continue with just liquid, (truth be told I did for a few days continue with the liquid) however I realized part of this process is getting my "sleeve " of a stomach use to doing it's job at it's new size and to give it time to heal as well. SO..... I started the puree' food, which is just weird. Luckily I am blessed with good friends and support around me and I had a friend who brought me several freezer bags full of puree' soup. That was helpful as I did not have to think too much about it for a while! Then I started to get the hang of it and it is all good now. I have figured out this puree part of the journey but can honestly say I am looking forward to the next stage, mostly because as some of you know........ I sort of have a thing about texture! LOL Puree foods have weird textures , you would think they would all be the same but they aren't! So anything I can put in my magic bullet I will try. Enough about puree food, however if you have ideas please do share and if you ever break your jaw and have to have it wired shut I can share my ideas with you! LOL
So the physical part has been smooth as well. NO pain, well at least none related to the surgery, still dealing with the hip. Best part of all this has been actually getting some SLEEP. It has made me realize just how sleep deprived I have been. After a few days of real uninterrupted sleep I felt like a new person. I think I had underestimated just how sleep deprived I was. I feel like my mind is clearer, I am not as spacey or foggy. I am not as irritable so quickly , I feel so refreshed and rested. So I took 2 weeks off from work, which was fine.  I agreed that if I got tired during the day I would go home early, I a stuck to that agreement. I have had no indigestion or stomach related issues or pain. I do have to be careful of lifting heavy things, but that has been fine. SO..... all is well.
So I wanted to fill you all in on my status and also take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for all the love, and support as I take on this stage of my journey. I could not have done it without your financial and emotional support. The help with food, errands, rides to and fro, all of it. My friends and family I could never ever fully express my gratitude for all of you, please know I love and appreciate you all.