My Sojourn with Health

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Little Help!

HI , I know it has been a while and I think I almost had given up on the blog but I am going to do this one and enlist some help from you all so it will not be a typical entry. Let me start by telling you I understand you have to “open an account” to leave messages on the actual blog, however I want to encourage you to go ahead and either send me a message or leave a post on my FB page. I value your feedback and opinions. SO let me start by wrapping up 2012! It was a banner year, lots happened, some good, some challenging, some great! The biggest thing related to my weight journey was the excess skin removal surgery which was very successful however also created some unsuspecting challenges throughout the year. I will spare you the long list but tell you that I think despite all the challenges I managed to keep my spirits up and I really feel overall it was a great year. That being said I find myself confused and challenged and this is why I am enlisting your help.
So what I am seeking help with is two challenges, one (and the most obvious) is what direction, if any would be interesting to take this blog? What questions have I left up addressed? What things are you still curious about? Or has it reached its end. Second and a lot more personal, is what feedback or challenges do you have for me personally. What have you observed? What am I avoiding, dancing around, or just plain not seeing? I know for some of you this may not be something you can answer as either you do not know me very well or you are not currently around me enough to offer suggestions / questions. However I do think most of you are intelligent enough and insightful enough to see where I may be missing something. SO I implore all of you to let me have it… I can only grow if I am open and honest with myself and so please do not hold back. Thanks in advanced and I promise to do a more classic entry in the very near future.