My Sojourn with Health

Friday, September 7, 2012

Balanced Web

REALLY? Ever wonder why we are such slow learners of life’s lessons? I do! (cuz I am) So recently I have been reminded that caring for oneself is more then any one single aspect of life but truly encompasses all aspects of life and should we neglect any one of them we may….. Well….. find ourselves face first down on the cement. So for several years now I have been pretty focused on my health, striving to become as healthy as possible. As you know if you have read the prior blogs you know along the way I have also taken a hard look at why I have done the things I have as well as paying attention to the feelings that arise through the process. So I believe I have actually given much time and energy to all aspects connected to my health in general, that being said I also believe, now, it has distracted me from some other aspects that perhaps I should have not neglected. Humor me (or more like be patient) for a minute while I try to explain an analogy that has come to me.
So we have all seen the complex, strong and complete web that seems unbreakable due to its perfect balance and completion. Then there are those webs we see that are fragile and broken at some point, you know the slightest wind may bring the whole thing down in a quick passing moment. Well I am learning that when I am too focused on one part, or even a few parts of life; i.e. health, and neglecting other aspects of life, I too am weakening my total life, growing fragile and vulnerable to collapsing under even the slightest wind.
So to prevent future incidents I will be working on ….. Wait for it….. wait……… BALANCE! So as I continue to forge ahead on this crazy journey I will be tenacious about finding that balance, tending to all parts of my life, knowing I can build a strong, complete and balanced web to live within! I will share more about the specific areas / issues in future entries. (Those of you who know me should appreciate the “web” analogy for many reasons!) I want to also just remind you all that as this sojourn continues I do appreciate any observations or insights you may have for me, I do firmly believe that accountability and community has been key to my success, so let me know if you observe or perceive me doing something out of balance. Thanks ahead of time! With great Appreciate and Love, Kathryn