My Sojourn with Health

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Happy Hip Update

Hi , I know it has been a while since I have written anything so I thought I would do a update.
In my last entry I have just finished up physical therapy post hip replacement. From there I was hoping to head back to gym which I did but it took some finagling. Approximately end of May/ Beginning of June I was able to rejoin the Gym! This was very exciting and yet intimidating.
I briefly felt as if I was starting this journey all over again from the very beginning. You know the gym seeking, feeling judged by “Gym Rats” (yes I know that's a stereotype! LOL) , I hate this but must do it very beginning! Despite my excitement and deep desire to be back in the water and moving again, the emotional stuff felt raw and unfortunately too familiar. Thankfully my desire to be exercising again and get back on track with my health goals was greater than my fear and anxiety. I also am blessed to have great friends, one of which resigned for a year with me, making the process easier to manage with support.
So all signed up and got new gym card and ready to go! I started with a couple times a week, just easing myself back into it. I also had to meet and learn about the new instructors who have come since I was last at gym. The new instructors thing was yet another emotional hill to climb, much like going in and signing up. I think I was caught off guard by just how anxious this would make me but in hind sight, it is change and of course change makes all of us anxious especially in areas of life that we already struggle. So I went saw familiar faces and was comforted by this but then saw the new faces of instructors I did not know and who did not know me. I think in retrospect part of my anxiety with the instructors was they did not know me. My previous instructors had known me for years and so we had a established relationship as well as understanding of my limitations and strengths, now I was unknown. Regardless I of course pushed through and have now figured out the instructors, who has the workout styles and intensity I want and need as well as personality. I know for some this may sound silly but these are things that are important to me as my workouts are about my health and thus my life so it needs to be a good fit. I also have come to realize my workouts are my therapy so if I have a bad therapist (instructor) or one that is not a good fit that doesn't work for me!
Happily I can report I have figured out which classes and days are a good fit and I have been back a few months now so I have built my number of days back up to the full 4 days a week. This is so great for me, because I feel like I am finally back on track. Being out of that horrible hip pain and just dealing with the everyday, every-Woman , aging daily pains is so amazing. I can manage that and I am beyond grateful that this is where I am and excited to see where I am going.
OH, I also had my 1 year follow up with my Hip Surgeons P.A. And he said everything looked great and in fact he was glad to see some ligament/tendon/muscle thingy that runs along hip and sometimes doesn't stay in a proper placement after the surgery was in fact well placed and better than most, and he was very happy about this! I have NO idea what it meant but if he was happy I was ecstatic! 
The last thing I wanted to share before I end this entry, was this week after working out I had a moment! It was one of those moments I have not experienced in SO LONG I was nearly moved to tears with Joy! (yes I am dramatic, but so is life) I noticed a change in my body. I happened to look at my arm and saw that old friend of mine, a wee bicep! Laugh all you want, I was thrilled to see a little definition had come back to my arm after the years of not getting properly worked out! Anyway, it truly is the little things that matter.
So that's the update, let me know if you have any questions or comments. You can leave them on the blog page if you want, just do it anonymously but if you do please leave name in part of comment, THANKS

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